Racial equity & inclusivity in
the Hare Krishna Movement
Equity is “the state, quality or ideal of being just, impartial and fair.” Racial equity is fair and just treatment of people with regard to legal, moral, and political rights irrespective of physical traits such as skin color.
What is racial equity?
Equity involves trying to understand and give people what they need to enjoy full, healthy lives. Equality, in contrast, aims to ensure that everyone gets the same things in order to enjoy full, healthy lives.
The difference between equity & equality:
Systems that are failing devotees of color are actually failing all of us. Racial equity ensures equal opportunity and increases the likelihood of our collective success.
Why is racial equity important?
Racial equity works by developing goals and outcomes that result in improvements for all groups. The strategies of racial equity, however, are targeted based on the needs of a particular group; the members of our community who are experiencing systemic inequity.
How does racial equity work?
Carol Kuruvilla: How can we make it right? What the world’s religions have to say about justice.
An interesting article where you can read what seven different religious leaders have to say on the topic of fairness and justice.
Six Thinking Hats:
Characteristics of Inclusive Meetings
A look at the core ‘muscles’ a community must build and strengthen to prepare for, advance and sustain the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion. They are change readiness, cultural diversity, empathy, growth mindset and ‘spectrum thinking.’
Social Justice &
Equity Movement Building
By offering the comprehensive capabilities and deep knowledge necessary to help you solve the most complex issues of your organization, our work helps heal and transform people, communities and institutions.